This is a page where I get to throw all the fun stuff. Works in progress, animation tests and anything else I feel like.


These are hand drawn cell animations created in Photoshop with the help of a great Extension called AnimDesign2

Illustration: Photoshop

I helped nurse this pigeon back to health. Basically the bird slept in my bed with my dog, took a bath the next morning and left happily.

Created for Google Trekers

Here on the rite someone made a modification to my Twerking Pegman.

Some quick tests done of a pitch. I very quickly filmed my hands to integrate in these gifs.

Animated these critters illustrated by the talented Andres Rivera. Check out his work here
I modeled lit and animated these little Fireflies for a Google Project. Check out the spot here.

Just a pet project of mine. Sculpted these figures in Zbrush. Finished it all in Cinema4D. More to come.

WIP Carvings in Soap Stone.
The medium furtherst from the digital work I do. The pros of this type of work is the ability to smash these to pieces if needed.

Personal Project - Puppets: Sculpty, Wire, Fur
I was comissioned to create these masks for The Death Set. Sculpty, Wire, Lamb Skin
This puppet I made was set loose in Central Park. More examples of these guys can be seen below.